Planning Statements | Design & Access Statements

These are typically required for most applications and provide an opportunity to explain how a particular development has evolved through the stages of conception and design and also justify the scheme in light of the relevant planning policies:-

The Planning Statement identifies the context and need for a proposed development and includes an assessment of how the proposed development accords with relevant national, regional and local planning policies. It may also include details of consultations with the Local Planning Authority and wider community/statutory consultees undertaken prior to submission.

Design & Access Statements will need to take account of:

What buildings and spaces will be used for.

The number of proposed units for residential use and the amount of floorspace and distribution of other uses.

The way the buildings, routes and open spaces are provided, placed and orientated to each other.

The height, width and length of a building in relation to its surroundings. This needs to be justified in terms of local character, Council policy and guidance and urban design principles.

How open spaces will be treated to enhance and protect the character of a place.

What the building and spaces will look like, for example, building materials and architectural details.

The statement needs to include two potential aspects of access. Vehicular and transport links - Why the access points and routes have been chosen, and how the site responds to road layout and public transport provision. Inclusive access - How everyone can get to and move through the place on equal terms regardless of age, disability, ethnicity or social grouping.